Rich has been in banking since 1985 when he started his career with NBD Bank in the Detroit area. For the last 25 years, Rich has specialized in commercial real estate lending at a variety of banks including large national, regional and community banks, managing and growing his customer base and portfolios in excess of $150 million. Rich has been a lender in the Chicago market for over 20 years and has continuously delivered excellent customer service and solutions to his large portfolio of customers and prospects. Rich enjoys working with entrepreneurial type commercial real estate investors and matching their lending needs to fit within the banks’ lending framework.
Rich obtained a Master of Finance in Business Administration from the University of Detroit. He is active with Misericordia, Heart of Mercy and his church, Old Saint Patrick’s and the Francis Xavier Warde School and its diverse community of faith-based mission in the City of Chicago. Rich also provides career coaching and mock interviews for Cara Collective a Chicago organization that provides a pathway out of poverty for motivated job seekers.